Tuesday, October 6, 2015

What is the process and details for review of the PSAR reports by faculty?

Faculty are advised to motivate students for giving best possible extensions/add on features in each studied patent by every students. 

Once student submits the PSAR reports on PMMS portal, those reports has to be reviewed by faculty (Internal Guide/HOD/Principal), preferably by project internal guide. Faculty will check PSAR reports as submitted by student team and will review the same.

To scale up the PSAR activity to next advanced level and to get maximum out of this massive movement, this year GTU is also introducing the PSAR review process by faculty in PMMS.

Review of the PSAR reports by the faculty guide, comprising set of questioner as below:
1. Does this PSAR report is based on patent related to student’s project?- Yes/No
2. Does student have prepared PSAR report after proper reading of patent? – Yes/No
3. Does the PSAR report of student is of appropriate quality? – Yes/No
4. Does the PSAR activity had contributed in any way to improve the project of this students? – Yes/No
5. Does the improvement idea given by student under question no 27 of PSAR report has potential to take forward as novel project in next semester/year? - Yes/No , and then its description

What is the role of faculty in PSAR activity?

It will be the responsibility of the faculty-guide to ensure that each student (team member) will study the different patents related to their IDP/UDP. No student of the same team/same class has to repeat the same patent as studied by another team member/student of the same project/IDP/UDP or class. 

Note: To scale up the PSAR activity, this year GTU is also introducing the PSAR review process by faculty in PMMS. Faculty are advised to motivate students for giving best possible extensions/add on features in each studied patent by every students. These data of PSAR reports will be made online for lateral learning by other faculty and students. And after review of each innovative idea (answer of PSAR question 27), by faculty best ideas can be identified and transformed/taken into really innovative projects to build novel product or processes. This will enhance the level of innovative idea/projects and mitigate the duplication of work.

Other role of Faculty (Internal guide/HOD/Principal) in PSAR activity are as follows: 
  • Make students aware about the objective and Outcome of PSAR activity. 

  • Internal guide must has to verify the generated PSAR files related to individual student's activity/project. Faculty may give their suggestion/inputs/comments related to PSAR activity. The same tasks can also be performed from HOD/Principal’s account. 

  • Based on the inputs from internal guide/HOD/Principal student team has to take necessary action. 

  • External guide and External mentor can also comment on this activity.

Study Material for PSAR activity

Students and faculty may use below study material to perform PSAR activity:

To know more about Basics of IPR, Patent Searching and How to generate Patent Search and Analysis Report read the following modules available at the below mentioned web link:

  • Module 1- Basics of IPR and Patent 

  • Module 2- Patent Search Methodology  

  • Module-3: Preparation of Patent Search and Analysis Report

The material for self-study is also being made available through ‘you tube’ channel of GTU Innovation Council as below:




How will PSAR activity help to improve the Project qualities?

In PSAR activity, each student is required to study at least five patents, so in a group of three students they will study fifteen patents.


Student have to study most relevant patents as in the domain of their project and has to ensure that their project is not overlapping exactly with any of such patents.


By this way students may overcome the duplication of work, which is already been done earlier.


Also after studying each patent students are required to give one innovative idea to further improve studied patent. So in a class of sixty students totally three hundred patents is to be studied. In PSAR activity, after studying each patent students are required to give one improvement idea related to each studied patent, so from each class we could have three hundred ideas. Such all ideas we may filter out by effective review from faculty members, to identify best physible ideas which may be further work upon as innovative projects for next semester/year students. Generally in a class of sixty students 15-20 projects are going to be carried out in one semester, against to this number we do have large number of ideas with our selves so that our students may select from large number of innovative concepts and can work upon really novel and better ideas for the project work via effective use of this PSAR activity.  


GTU is further planning to develop proper review system of all such generated PSAR reports from all colleges. Where by GTU, in association with all faculty aiming to motivate all students for giving more innovative ideas for incremental innovations related to each of the studied patents. Through this system potential ideas will be extracted from all such PSAR reports, which can be further taken as innovative projects by subsequent batch of students


What to answer under each question to prepare PSAR ?

In Patent Search and Analysis Report (PSAR) generation activity, every student is required to study at least five (5) patents related either to his/her IDP/UDP or related to his/her area of interest.

After studying each patent properly, students are required to answer set of questions for each patent to generate PSAR report for said studied patent.

Refer below table to have a brief idea for understanding, What to answer under each question of PSAR : 

Sr. No.
Part 1: Patent Search Technique Used
Patent search database used*
Select any patent database from where you got particular patent to prepare PSAR report. (In case you select other, give details in provided text book).
Keywords used  for search*
Provide the various keywords, which you have used to search patents. Minimum THREE keywords.
Search string used*
Provide exact phrase consisting of various keywords and Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT etc) or wild cards (*, #, ? etc), which are used to get relevant patents.
Number of results/hits getting*
Give the number of related patents you get after using proper search string.
Part 2: Basic Data of Patented Invention/Bibliographic Data
Category/ Field of Invention*
Provide the branch of Engineering with which patent is associated (For e.g. Mechanical, chemical, electrical etc)
Invention is related to (Class/Area of Invention)*
Provide the end field of technology with which patent is actually associated. (For e.g. – For automobile field’s student: Patent is associated with gear, break, engine etc)
The International Patent Classification (IPC) is a hierarchical patent classification system used in over 100 countries to classify the content of patents in a uniform manner. It is an indexing system to organize patent documents from around the world based on the technical field of the invention, thereby providing a retrieval system by subject matter, independent of keyword searching.

Mention the IPC class as mentioned in patent document
Title of Invention/Patent*
Provide the exact title of patent as shown on patent document which you are studying.
Patent No.
For patent applications which are granted, give the exact patent number as given by patent office.
Application Number*
Provide the exact application number of studied patent.
Web link of the studied patent
Mention the web link of patent studied by you, so it will help for easy retrieval of same patent after words.
Date of Filing/Application* (DD/MM/YYYY)
Mention the date on which application for patent is made.
Priority Date (DD/MM/YYYY)
Mention the FIRST DATE i.e. the date on which application for FIRST patent is made for this invention in ANY OF THE COUNTRY.
Publication/Journal Number          
Mention the Publication No./Journal No./Bulletin No etc. in which application for patent is published.
Publication Date (DD/MM/YYYY)
The date on which application for patent is published in official patent journal/bulletin.
First Filled Country
Mention the country where application for patent is filled first time for particular invention.
Also Published as
Countries where Filled
Application No./ Patent No.
Give details of one or more countries and relevant application/patent number in which application for patent is made to protect SAME invention.

Name of Inventor/s*
Address/City/Country of Inventor*
Give details of one or more inventors associated with development of invention mentioned under this patent.

Name of Applicant/ Assignee*
Address/City/Country of Applicant*
Give details of one or more Applicant/Assignee associated with development of invention mentioned under this patent.

Applicant for Patent is*
Mention whether the applicant for patent is Individual Person/s or Organization (Company/College/University etc).
Part 3: Technical Part of Patented Invention
Limitation of Prior Technology/Art*
Give details about, what are the problems associated with previous available technologies, prior to this patent.
Specific Problem Solved/Objective of Invention*
Give details about objectives and benefits of particular Invention/Patent and list out the specific problems, which were overcome by technology behind this patent.
Brief about Invention*
Give detailed information about patent, and its technology. Content should comprise details related to following questions:

What is this Invention?
What are its Components?
What is the role of each component?
What is the flow of process?
How the invention will work? etc…
Key learning points*
Give point wise details related to, what each student has learnt after studying each patent.
Summary of Invention*
"Here students have to give details about what they have learnt after reading each patent document. Make note on following points, IN YOUR WORDS:

What is the invention about?
What are problems of prior art?
What are the benefits of patented technology? Etc.

Students have to make summary of each patent in not more than 500 words."
Number of claims*
Give the exact number, How many claims are there in studied patent.
Patent Status*
Select any one which is applicable for studied patent – Published Application/Granted Patent/ In-force Patent/ Failed to maintain the Patent/Expired Patent
How much this invention is related with your project? *
Select any one indicating % relevance of this patent document with you project:
> 91 %,
71 to 90%,
< 70 %,
Not related to project
Do you have any idea to do anything around the said invention to improve it? 

(Give short note in not more than 500 words) *
After studying each patent thoroughly and by answering all the previous questions, each student has to answer this question very carefully and give your valuable ideas in a very precise manner.

Here students have to think for any possible modification/ improvement in the studied patent he/she can make so as to maximise its effectiveness/user friendliness. 

Students have to give idea about possible alterations they can make, in briefly about 500 words.