Tuesday, September 22, 2015

For any query related to PMMS, whom to contact?

PMMS involves multiple aspects, from IT to IPR, from Design activities to smart platform logic. And hence team of different background people are engaged in the development of PMMS portal.

PMMS portal is in development and continuous improvement phase (as per observations and feedback from stake holders), so their might be possibility of minor bugs at different levels.

So in cases, if student or faculty who are facing any problem related to PMMS activity or PMMS platform may contact to concern persons as below:

For any query/issue/problem, while communicating to GTU please share you’re following details: Name, Enrollment Number, Team Id, Email Id and Contact Number along with proper description of your problem. 

For any further query you may contact at: 



IT related issues



ipr_projectofficer@gtu.edu.in manish.rachchh@gtu.edu.in

Entrepreneurship & Design Engineering canvas activity.

ap_karmjitsinh@gtu.edu.in ap_gagandip@gtu.edu.in

Note: For any query or confusion refer GTU PMMS guideline, other project related guideline or contact GTU. The information on this blog is just for information.

GTU guideline for all PMMS activities related to final year BE projects

With aim of great objectives, GTU has started the PMMS activities for improving the project qualities to high level as well to overcome the problem of repetitive and duplication work.

The objective of PMMS portal is to develop a system for helping the students to get appropriate help and mentoring online and to help them work more systematically on their project. This will be used for all projects being carried out by the students in all BE colleges/institutes, affiliated with GTU.

This platform will help the students to remain in active contact with their team members, their faculty guide and industry-mentors (if any). On the site, the students will be able toupdate their progress in the project and on which the guide & the external mentor (if any),can comment on the status, progress and problems. This will increase collaboration and co-creation while improving novelty of their work.

The detailed GTU guideline related to all phases of project work, for semester 7 & 8 is available at: http://files.gtu.ac.in/circulars/15SEP/07092015.pdf 

Note: For any query or confusion refer GTU PMMS guideline, other project related guideline or contact GTU. The information on this blog is just for information.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Request to add team member in approved team

If due to any of the reasons (team is approved by faculty, prior to adding all team members in to team), if any team member is to be added in already approved team then such facility is already developed under the PMMS portal.

To add team member in already approved team in PMMS Portal follow below steps:

1. Functionality to add team member in already approved team is given under Team Leader's account 

2. Contact the team leader to which student wants to join or is to be added, after due consultation with guide and HOD.

3. Then after, log in to PMMS portal from Team Leader's account. 

4. Go to Student>Manage>Request to add team member and make any such request after due approval from guide or HOD.

5. Such request need to be approved from Project guide, HOD or Principal's account.

6. Project guide, HOD or Principal's has to log in to PMMS using their standard PMMS user account, and then go to option  Manage>Request to add team member and approve any such request after verifying the details with student.

7. Such request can be approved from any of  Project guide, HOD or Principal.

Note: For any query or confusion refer GTU PMMS guideline, other project related guideline or contact GTU. The information on this blog is just for information.

Request to remove student from approved team in PMMS

If due to any of the reasons (for example, student detained, student wants to work with other team and project etc), if any team member is to be removed from any current approved team then such facility is already developed under the PMMS portal.

To remove student from team in PMMS Portal follow below steps:

1. Functionality to remove student from team is given under Project Internal guide's account 

2. Contact your guide and HOD, and convince him for the circumstances for such need.

3. Then after, log in to PMMS portal from Internal guide's account.

4. Go to Manage>Student removal request and make any such request after due inquiry.

5. Such request need to be approved from HOD or Principal's account.

6. HOD or Principal's has to log in to PMMS using their standard PMMS user account, and then go to option  Manage>Student removal request and approve any such request after verifying the details with student and/or faculty.

Note: For any query or confusion refer GTU PMMS guideline, other project related guideline or contact GTU. The information on this blog is just for information.

How to change internal guide in to PMMS

If due to any of the reasons, if any team is wishing to change their guide during the ongoing project work then such facility is already developed under the PMMS portal.

To change internal guide in PMMS Portal follow below steps:

1. Functionality to change guide is given under Team leader’s account.

2. Log in to PMMS from team leader's account.

3. Go to student>manage>Request to change internal guide

4. Select the name of current guide

5. Choose the option from Disciplinary or Inter-Disciplinary 

6. Then based on selected option, list of all faculty within the department or all faculty from respective colleges will be shown to students.

7. Select the name of faculty to whom you want to make as your guide.

8. And then click on request, your such request will then reach to HOD and Principal. Any one from HOD or Principals approval is required to make it effective.

9. HOD or Principal has to log in to PMMS using their standard PMMS user account, and then go to option Manage>Request to change internal guide and approve any such request after verifying the details with student and faculty.

Note: For any query or confusion refer GTU PMMS guideline, other project related guideline or contact GTU. The information on this blog is just for information.

Faculty/Guide name not showing in the guide list

GTU PMMS system is based on faculty data provided by every colleges to GTU via GTUadmin panel.

Hence the list of only those faculty will be shown to students, whose details has been given by colleges to GTU via GTu admin panel.

For example: If at department Y in college X, their are 20 faculty (actually) working in college but only 10 are mentioned at GTU admin panel then students from such college X and Y department will find list of only 10 faculty during their team formation, rest 10 will not be displayed still they are working officially in the college.

How to add name of faculty in PMMS guide list, if it is not available:

Please refer following GTU circular: 
Staff Portal, to fill and validate online Faculty information is open for all institutes for first FIVE Working Days of Month: http://files.gtu.ac.in/circulars/15SEP/11092015_02.pdf 

So if any faculty is not available in the list, respective college has to add his details in to GTU admin panel in first five working days of every month.

Email ID to be changed/corrected for Faculty in PMMS

GTU PMMS system is based on faculty data provided by every colleges to GTU via GTUadmin panel.

The username and password to operate PMMS portal: http://projects.gtu.ac.in/ is sent via email to the users as below:

Sr. No.
User Category
User ID
Enrollment Number
Email ID of staff as provided in GTU staff data through  http://gtu.ac.in/admin/  by respective college
External Guide
Email ID provided by student in PMMS team registration phase
where in XXX is the college code & YY is department code
where in XXX is the college code

For HOD and Principal, ONLY GTU standard mail ID (becXXXowner@gtu.edu.in and be_XXX_XX_head@gtu.edu.in respectively) is to be used as username in PMMS. 

As per the development of PMMS system User ID once generated cannot be changed afterward as like to our gmail or facebook user id, which can not be changed afterwards once it is generated. (For example if you have created email id as abc@gmail.com, you can never change it to xyz@gmail.com or anything else). Like wise user id once generated on PMMS portal can not be changed afterwards.

If faculty comes to know that, their was a spelling mistake in their email ID and wrong user id is generated for PMMS (having any spelling mistake is generated), then they may update their details on GTU admin panel (via: How to update faculty details at GTU admin panel?`). Faculty may recover password for their PMMS account via giving details of any mail ID (wrong or updated one) at GTU password recovery page, and newer password will be sent via email on their updated newer mail ID.

Note: For any query or confusion refer GTU PMMS guideline, other project related guideline or contact GTU. The information on this blog is just for information.

PMMS email ID change for STUDENT

If any student have made any mistake while filling the student registration form to type correct mail address then PMMS system allows such students to change their email address.

Follow below steps to change email address in PMMS - FOR STUDENT's ONLY

1. Log in using password of PMMS

2. After log in students can change their mail ID under manage account/Edit profile option. 

3. Then its done....!

4. You may check it is done or not, via requesting for newer password from forgot password link: http://projects.gtu.ac.in/_layouts/15/GTUPMMS/GTUForgatePasswordApp.aspx

5. At above link provide newer email address, which is changed as per point no 2.

Note: This function will not work for email id to be changed for faculty guide/HOD/Principal.

As for faculty, Email ID has been taken as User ID for PMMS (instead of enrollment number for student's account) and User ID once generated cannot be changed as like to our gmail or facebook account user id.

PMMS Password Recovery/Reset

When ever the new user is being generated at PMMS, the log in credential of all users have been shared via email to all users by PMMS system.

Still, the PMMS system has build a novel feature to recover the password via emailing feature, in case if it is forgotten by any user.

All the active PMMS users (Students, Internal guides, HOD, Principal as well the External Guide) can recover their PMMS password via submitting the registered Email Id at following web link: http://projects.gtu.ac.in/_layouts/15/GTUPMMS/GTUForgatePasswordApp.aspx

Once above step is done, PMMS system will send email along with user ID and password to registered user email address on real time basis.

After log in user can change password under manage account/Edit profile option. 

Remove any space with user name or password while log in.

Note: For any query or confusion refer GTU PMMS guideline, other project related guideline or contact GTU. The information on this blog is just for information.

User ID and password for Student/Internal Guide/HOD/Principal

GTU PMMS system is based on faculty data provided by colleges via GTU admin panel. Separate log in details is been provided to project Internal Guides, HOD and Principal to use PMMS platform.
The username and password to operate PMMS portal: http://projects.gtu.ac.in/ is sent via email to the users as below:

Sr. No.
User Category
Password for PMMS is sent via email, at following email address:
Email Id provided by student in registration phase
Email ID provided in GTU staff data through  http://gtu.ac.in/admin/  by respective college
External Guide
Email ID provided by student in registration phase
where in XXX is the college code & YY is department code
where in XXX is the college code

For HOD and Principal, ONLY GTU standard mail ID (becXXXowner@gtu.edu.in or be_XXX_XX_head@gtu.edu.in ) is to be used as username in PMMS.

For all faculty password will remain same as to your last log in. If forgotten, still password may be recovered using: 

For all activities which are to be performed through faculty account can also be performed from HOD or principal sir's account as well. PMMS portal has given all rights to HOD and Principal's account as well.

For faculty, whose data is not available at GTU admin panel or whoever wants to edit/update their profile can update details through: http://gtu.ac.in/admin/ . Once it is done then and only then, it will be possible to access this site.

Note: All faculty/HOD/Principal has to ensure for making student aware of the objective and scope of all tasks, prior to performing any task.

Semester wise PMMS activities for students

Student/Team are required to perform following activities during semester 7 and 8 as mentioned in below page.

Also the nature of activity as individual or team tasks is also mentioned.

PMMS activity matrix for semester 7 and 8:

For Semester 7 or 8
Team activity or Individual Activity
Student registration
Both Semesters
Individual student activity
Team formation
Both Semesters
Team activity
Periodic Progress Report (PPR)
Both Semesters
Individual student activity
Design Engineering – Canvas activity
Only Semester 7
Team activity
Patent Search & Analysis Report (PSAR) generation activity
Only Semester 7
Individual student activity
Final project report upload.
Both Semesters
Team activity
Uploading the plagiarism search report
Both Semesters
Team activity
Completion Certificate generation
Both Semesters
Individual student activity
Business Model Canvas (BMC) and its report upload
Only Semester 8
Team activity
Patent Drafting Exercise (PDE)
Only Semester 8
Team activity

It is very important to understand the objective of all activities (mentioned at proper pages in this document) prior to doing it.

Note: For any query or confusion refer GTU PMMS guideline, other project related guideline or contact GTU. The information on this blog is just for information.

What activities students are required to do on PMMS portal

All student/teams are required to carry out following project activities on PMMS Portal during semester 7 and 8.

PMMS Tasks for Semester 7 & 8:

Semester 7
Semester 8

1.       Student registration
2.       Team formation
3.       Periodic Progress Report (PPR)
4.       Patent Search & Analysis Report (PSAR) generation activity
5.       Design Engineering – Canvas activity
6.       Final project report upload.
7.       Uploading the plagiarism search report
8.       Completion Certificate generation

1.       Student registration

2.       Team formation
3.       Periodic Progress Report (PPR)

4.       Business Model Canvas (BMC) and its report upload

5.       Patent Drafting Exercise (PDE)

6.       Final project report upload.

7.       Uploading of the plagiarism search report
8.      Completion Certificate generation

Details about all above activities is described in detail, in the GTU PMMS guidelinedocument.

The linked guideline document is common for semester 7 and 8 PMMS activities, so for common activities (which will be carried out during both semesters) like as to Student registration, Team formation, Periodic Progress Report (PPR), Final project report upload, Uploading the plagiarism search report and Completion Certificate generation common details as described in respected pages will be applicable during both semesters.

As stated above students have to perform all activities as listed in the table, during each of said semesters.

For all above activity, each student have to register with his details at http://projects.gtu.ac.in/ then after the approval from respective HOD/Principal students will get password via email to work on PMMS portal.


Note: For any query or confusion refer GTU PMMS guideline, other project related guideline or contact GTU. The information on this blog is just for information.